Eating your own dogfood

I’ve just finishing converting my blog from Jekyll to WordPress.

There were a couple of features I was looking for (such as being able to schedule upcoming posts), but the real reason is that I want to be able to use MySQL 5.7 DMR3 against a tool that I interact with almost every day.

Or as this is more informally known, I wanted to eat my own dogfood:

I now have:

  • WordPress 3.8.1
  • MySQL 5.7 DMR3
  • All InnoDB Storage Engine
  • Disqus comment engine (comment if you think this is cheating)
  • “Markdown on Save Improved” plugin.

I apologize for broken images and URLs changing slightly (which will break comments). I plan to fix them as I spot them.

Do you have any other suggestions I should try?

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I joined MySQL AB in 2006, left, and am now back at Oracle working on the MySQL team. I’ve also worked at Percona and InPowered.

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  • Yea, Disqus is cheating if your business is blog commenting software. But it works so damn well otherwise, so I wouldn’t call it cheating unless you also manufacture your own paper and ball-point pens.

  • Serge

    Hey Morgan
    Here is what i recommend (based on my own experience and setup)
    – optimizing php using FastCGI (run a pool of 3 workers)
    – nginx runs wordpress a lot quicker (2 workers is ok on a micro ec2)
    – definitely! use amazon’s CDN for all the content/styles/images – there is a plugin for it
    – plugins for compressing everything helps a bit too and cache

    i run on a micro instance with <1s with over 50 concurrent users

    • Hi Serge!

      I ran with a CDN on my previous blog setup, but I think as part of the dogfood challenge it was important to disable it. I want to run in the stock configuration, so I can feel the pain points of users.

      Fast-CGI/Nginx probably counts as common stock though. I believe this is what uses.

      • samdvr

        Use varnish for http caching

        • I think that is the same pain point mask as using a CDN 🙂 If MySQL were to regress at a particular feature WordPress relies on, I might not catch it 🙁

          More queries to MySQL means I will be able to better understand performance_schema and MEM.

  • Way to solicit comments man :]
    Of course using a Postgres-backed provider for your comments is cheating but I support this move wholeheartedly.

  • Rooney Wayne

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